A: Foundations and Basic Commitments
Section A is a repository for statements related to the District’s legal role in providing public education and the underlying principles on which the District operates. The policies in this section provide a setting for all the School Board’s other policies.
Section B is a repository for statements about the school board, how it is elected, organized, conducts its meetings and operates. This section includes bylaws and a policy establishing the Board’s internal cooperating procedures.
Section C provides as repository for statements about the school district management, the administrative structure, school building and department administration. It also is the location for personnel policies that pertain to one individual, the superintendent.
Section D provides a repository for statements concerning district affairs and management of district funds. (Statements relating to the financing of school construction are filed in Section F (facilities development).)
Section E is a repository for statements on non-instructional services and programs, including most of those that fall in the area of business management such as safety, buildings management (non-construction), transportation and food services.
Section F provides a repository for statements on school construction, remodeling, modernizing, temporary facilities and facilities retirement plans.
G: ​Personnel
Section G provides a repository for personnel policies. This section has three main subdivisions:
- Sub-section GB presents policy topics that pertain to all employees;
- Sub-section GC is for policies that pertain to professional personnel who must hold certification by the state to serve in their positions;
- Sub-section GD is for policies pertaining to support or non-certified personnel.
H: Not applicable
Section I provides a repository for statements on instructional program basic programs, special programs, activities programs, instructional resources and academic achievement.
Section J provides a repository for statements concerning students—admissions, attendance, rights and responsibilities, conduct, discipline, health and welfare services; however, all policies pertaining to the instruction of students and extra-curricular programs and the curriculum are filed in Section I.
Section K provides a repository for statements on relations with the general public and with other community and public agencies except other educational agencies and groups.
Section L provides a repository for statements which concern the District’s relationships with other education agencies – other school districts, regional or service districts, private schools, colleges and universities, educational research organizations and state and national agencies.