The superintendent of schools shall be the Civil Rights Compliance Officer for Uinta County School District Number Four. He/she shall delegate to principals and supervisors the responsibility to make the provisions of individual civil rights laws known to students, staff and the community.
More specifically, the following employees are designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination:
Title VI Coordinator:
Shad Hamilton (307) 782-3377 Ext. 4207;
[email protected]
Title IX Coordinator:
Jeffrey M. Newton (307) 782-3377 Ext. 4201;
[email protected]
ADA/Section 504 Coordinator:
Shad Hamilton (307) 782-3377 Ext. 4207;
[email protected]
Homeschool Liaison:
Jeffrey M. Newton (307) 782-3377 Ext. 4201;
[email protected]
English Language Learner (ELL) Coordinator:
Shad Hamilton (307) 782-3377 Ext. 4207;
[email protected]
McKinney-Vento/Homeless Liaison:
Shad Hamilton (307) 782-3377 Ext. 4207;
[email protected]